hey guys!!!
its been a long time since my 2 back to back blogs. i must admit that i have been a little busy with my mid-sems, the college fest, coaching classes for MBA prep and the list goes on...
now it so happened that a couple of days ago i was chatting with a few of my old friends about our school days and reminiscing the happy memories. later i felt a real nostalgia for school and wished i could go back to those heavenly days when there were lesser worries and more fun.
i cant believe that it has been 4 years since i left school. mind you in the last 2-3 years of school we had to work hard for all of us wanted to get into respectable engineering colleges. so that period was a little tough on us. nevertheless we found time to have our share of enjoyment.
i can bring to mind the P.T. periods in which the whole class used to run after one football. or the lunch boxes which used to be over and done with in the first period itself. those fights over trivial matters. bunking periods with the apprehension of being caught. or those parent teacher meetings in which i used to be caricatured in front of everyone(i felt like poisoning the bloody teachers on those instances). school report cards. white dresses on saturday. getting punishments like "sit without a chair" or "5 boys standing in a circle and slapping each other"(I find it amusing now). or me and my friends fancying every girl we met(ours was a boy’s school). and even having crushes on our teachers :D. the cricket matches on weekends. or getting together at one of my friend's house for lunch and some activity like playing cricket or video games or watching a movie (don’t want to mention the kind of movies we used to see). those birthday parties in which there used to be games (god i find them so ridiculous now). standing and chatting at apollo bakery in front of school. apollo also reminds me of that fateful evening when we all were having some snack and a friend of mine offered his half eaten burger to a girl on which he had a crush...:) no prizes for guessing what the girl had to say...:D
gosh i miss school. i can still recall my farewell. everyone was teary eyed.
as i see college turns out to be poles apart considering everything. you are independent and there's no one to keep a check on you. if you feel like bunking classes then go ahead. getting to know people from sundry places, making new pals, hostel life. its a new adventure altogether. And i am loving it too.
I would like to dedicate this blog to my best friends in school Anshu, Taru, Raju, Utkarsh, Champu, Rishabh, Ripun, Yagnik, Tande, Rameez, Ayush (I know that we all will remain FRIENDS FOREVER) and my alma matar ST.FRANCIS' COLLEGE without whom i would not have been the person that i am today.
As usual i welcome you to put forth your experiences...
well well my dear frnd.........dunno hw u decided to write on sch a wonderful topic suddenly.......the ever nostalgia of school life.the more u think of it,the more nostalgic u gt.actually....i wud b too harsh if i call it a topic......it's actually a feeling.....a very pious feeling wen u wer totally out of the 'rat race' that keeps ppl engrossed in college life.u jst cannot keep out of the race........it jst keeps cmng bak 2 u.take 4 instance..........every single thng dat u do adds to a new dimension to ur CV.....huh so ridiculous yaar.....nywz we hav to gt alng wid evrythng as we grow old.
m happy dat u shared ur views........ur feelings.....
bt m srprised 2 c dat m the 1st one 2 comment......actully ppl mst b busy wid revels....dats y they didnt.
SCHOOL LIFE...dis is sth dats so close 2 my heart.
you know wat, i completely agree wid u saurav... college life is not so innocent and its a little tuf... and this is y we miss school life all the more coz in school we dint give a damn to all this..
and thanks for ur encouragement... i was always interested in blogging but cud never find the time.. hope i continue it for as long as possible...
and regarding u being the first one to express ur comments.. well i really appreciate it.. most of them just read it and move onto other things...
if you want to write some stuff on my blog then u are welcome too... i can easily make u a member...
A fantastic blog bringing back the reminiscences of the gud old school days....i fondly remember all the hillarious incidents with anshu being the brains, I and chiku being the executors and the mockers, the whole class being the spectator and our poor raju being the "BLACK" scapegoat :P...I desparately wish to relive those glorious days and hang out with you guys.... though my eyes were not wet at the farewell but they certainly do bcum now thinking how our life wud be fun n frolic if we were 2gether now...i luv u guys and miss u forever...3 cheers to our frenship.
PS: This is my 1st comment at any blog ever written..so plz throw ur brickbats on my comment and nt on shikhar's stupid blog :P
hey brothers, life hs certainly moved on aftr school got over... bt dis blog has certainly made me feel as if m bak 2 school.... as i ws readin dis blog, i easily visualised all d incidents mentioned in d blog... life ws jus amazin... i dnt mean 2 say dat it isnt nw, bt school had its own charm n its impossible 2 forget it...
those memories wud always b as fresh as ever in my mind... it wud b gr8 if v guys cn plan a trip 2 sum place 2gether... lets plan out sumthin n elive those lovely days in person...
love u al n miss u all a lot... at times, probably v dnt gt an opportunity 2 express our love bt its existence is enuf... take care bros...
I must say that you are the next big thing in the field of writing. Really nice blogs, one can read them again and again. This post brings back the nostalgic moments of SFC into my mind. it just acts like a time machine which took me back to the long corridor of classes 11th and 12th of SFC which was the epicenter of all the activities both good and mischievous. those were gr8 days where we did not have to worry abt the rest of the world. Just clear the class and maintain your kick ass attitude.Unlike today's time where each one of us are on the verge of entering into the so called 'real world' and making use of our talent to make money for a firm which is not even based in our motherland.To hell with Gates and Google.
It was always nice to be around with all of you, trying to pull each others leg and making fun of every teacher in the school. A lot of the credit for this goes to our school which instilled in us the attitude of not paying attention in the class and never doing the homework.I think there was some magic in SFC (similar to Hogwarts) where each one of us would metamorphasize into a completely different identity.
Its been an honor of the highest order and the grandest degree to have known such gr8 ppl in SFC. Even though most of us are in different regions of the world but still we are all connected with the special bond of friendship.I hope that our love and respect for each other never ceases and we all remain the same as we were in school.I am hoping that someday we all will have a grand reunion and relive those glorious moments once again.
Just remember -We Will Answer When Duty Shall Call
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