Sunday, August 31, 2008

HARI PUTTAR - Shortcomings

Well you can guess why i chose this heading. its bcoz of the legal suit which was filed by WARNER BROTHERS against some Indian company (Mirchi Movies) which was going to release a movie by this name. Hilarious.. Ain't it???
They claim that the Indian company is using this name so that the movie gains popularity and can rope in HP fans. Little did they know that "Hari" is a common name in India and "Puttar" means son in Punjabi and HP fans in India can differentiate between the two.
Anyways hope the matter gets sorted out. While on the subject of the movie i would like to inform you that it is a rip off of HOME ALONE series.

So coming to my mania about the Potter world. Now all of my friends know how big a fan i am of HP books. The excitement and euphoria every time JKR released a new book can never be there for any other. The press coverage, tv footage, critic's views and huge gatherings don't accompany usual book releases. In India itself which does not have a large english reading population 200K books were sold in the first 2 days.

Today, after having read the Deathly Hallows for the umpteenth time (i lost the count after 15) i somehow realized that sometimes even great writers do commit errors and found a few shortcomings which, if not present, would have made the book look more pragmatic and appreciable.

*S P O I L E R.......A L E R T*

These are

1. Why did Harry have to survive in the end? Or maybe he could have received a permanent injury. So what if a few people would have cried. Somehow it would have looked logical. I mean Rowling made it look as if Voldi had no extraordinary powers.
2. Why did the ending had to be so farcical? Harry taunting Voldi in the end and telling him to feel remorse. i mean is he kidding. Or for that matter Molly Weasley killing Bellatrix just bcoz she was angry that her son had died..(I was like wtf)
3. Also the scene between Dudley and Harry when Dursley's are about to leave is amusing to say the least. How can Dudley who dislikes Harry to the core (the miscellaneous grievances he and his parents had given to Harry) can suddenly feel remorse and say thank you to him.(Especially since he was thick headed)

Reading this novel made me realize one thing. Sometimes even the authors come under pressure. They give in. Rowling was under huge expectations (from her legions of die hard fans) to somehow keep Harry alive and script a fairy tale ending and because of this had to sacrifice on the writing part.

Leaving aside all these negatives which i found in the book, i think it will be suffice to say that HP books pioneered and revolutionized the writing of good books for children and adults alike. They won't be forgotten easily and may influence others to write more innovative stuff. Authors like her come once in a century and she has to be credited for that. I personally believe that apart from being among the few billionaire writers J.K.Rowling also joins the esteemed company of people like Shapepeare, Dickens, Tolstoy who had an impact on their generations in English Literature...

Monday, August 11, 2008


SO i guess there are 3 kinds of people while considering goals in life:-

1) for whom there is no goal or no necessity of a goal. these people are sometimes the "ultimate chilled out kind" or those whose parents have enough bank balance to keep their next five generations happy. if you are not one among them, then you should at least try and befriend one. because these kind of people have no worries and you can enjoy your life to the extreme with them.

2) the next one is those who are extremely focussed and determined (not to mention studious). they set on a path and irrespective of the results try achieving their goal.
in this category also their are many sub-categories

i) there are those who don't talk to anyone and just mind their own business (or simply use the word "nerd" or "bookworm"). these kinds are generally introvert and talk to a few people. you generally hear about them when they do something spectacular.
ii) then we have the ones who are very friendly and help out others also. they work hard towards their aim in life but in the process also take care of his/her friends. again you should befriend people of this kind (they help you out a lot and best part is that they don't expect anything in return)
iii) those who are ill-tempered and don't like mixing with anyone. (its better to stay away from them. irritate them at your own risk).
iv) ones who have no knowledge of the outside world. for them their course material is BIBLE.

3) lastly, the ones who are clueless about their aims in life. they are mostly people whom you come across most often and they form a mixed breed. they could be very intellectual, thick-headed or simply moderate. they just want to go with the flow of wind and are least bothered or sometimes not bothered at all. they can be friendly, lost in space kind, jerks, losers, quirky, a nobody or are "jack of all trades and master of none" kind.

would like you to elaborate other kinds, if you happen to know any.

P.S.:- As I am doing my graduation in engg., so have written it from that point of view.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Confused, Bored, Frustrated

I want to do MBA...
maybe!!! really!!! not sure!!! job first!!! don't know whether i want to study more!!!
These are just some of the questions which venture into my mind every second 24x7 these days. I feel like sitting idle and or taking a sabbatical. My parents often profess that these thoughts are dangerous. Very very dangerous!!! Leading to the path of doom.
But what can I do??? Is it wrong if i feel like that. I have already got a job. But since so many of my batch mates (the exact number is 322) got into this company people say "So what??? Everyone got into it!!!" They treat it as "Kuch nahi hua to ye to hai hee" [If nothing happens at least I have got something in hand!] . I mean I went for this company interview because I wanted to and genuinely liked the company. But being a person with ears and eyes, I can't help and show my indifference. These things do bother me.
Then there are the expectations!!! From family, friends, relatives...
It kind of gets to you. I don't want to decide right now. Maybe i just want to leave it to the future. Go along with the wave. Maybe its too difficult for me to decide right now. Or is it that I am waiting for some golden opportunity???
When i sit idle i feel bored... When am studying I feel bored... Whatever I do I always end up with the same feeling...Its like a disease that has infected me and i don't know how to get rid of it.
I know I am mentally tough and i don't succumb to pressure [I know I sometimes do:)]. Its just that I don't want these thoughts to plague my mind right now. A life full of bliss is what i desire!!! But it ain't gonna be easy and I know that.

P.S.: Please don't be worried about me :). I am as sane as you are. Was just venting out my frustration!!!